
Saturday 30 March 2013

New In

Today I was on a trip in Nantes,the 6th biggest city in France and I have bought some new things like for example black & white blazer,velvet black skirt,some high-heels and other shoes as you can see on the pics .

     Black & White Blazer from H&M
                                                           Velvet Black Skirt from H&M
                                                         Wine Red Shoes from H&M
                                                           Black High Heels from Zara

Thursday 28 March 2013

Autour de Bressuire

ça avait l'air qu'il faisait chaud (peut etre à cause de soleil) mais je pense qu'il n'y avait plus que 7° , donc je pouvais montrer la ville (où j'habite pour 1 an) à ma famille qui est venue là.On s'est promené près du chateau (ce que vous pouvez voir sur les photos),au jardin du chateau et aussi dans le centre de la ville (qui n'est pas très grand )
J'ai pris la veste que j'aime bien depuis je l'ai acheté,le blue-jean de Mango,l'écharpe de H&M,les chaussures vintage et le sac de Zara.

Včera nám počasie prialo,najmä kvôli slnku,ale myslím si,že nebolo viac ako 7 stupňov,takže som mohla ukázať mojej rodine mesto,v ktorom žijem (na rok).Prechádzali sme sa pri hrade,ktorý môžete vidieť na fotkách,v záhrade a tiež v centre mesta (nič veľké)
Vzala som si bundičku,ktorú som si veľmi obľúbila,odkedy som si ju kúpila,rifle z Manga,šatku z H&M,vintage topánky a tašku zo Zary.

The artic monkeys - Black treacle 

Saturday 23 March 2013

Green cardigan of spring

     I ´m happy of the weather in Bressuire because there was about 18° today,so we could enjoying this perfect time.I hope the weather for next days will be also like that because I would like to wear just sweaters with t-shirts,shorts or skirts with shirts that are so typical for spring days.And what about you guys?What do you like to wear in spring?  

King of leon-Sex on fire

Friday 22 March 2013

I found my dream house !

    Today was really sunny day what´s weird because the rain in Bressuire became a rutine for us.I was walking somewhere between the oldiest (beautiful) houses where I found this amazing house.I had to take some photos of this place because I was totally impressed by its garden and big windows with this perfect stair-rail .I love almost every house in this typical french style with big windows and mostly with window-blinds like there :) 
Hope you like it ! 

Thursday 21 March 2013

Do you like this movie?

I would like to advise a perfect movie that I was watching today.It´s a sweeping romantic drama but I find it not just like the others romantic stories but more realistic because of the war.
I think that I like this movie mostly for its sad but real story which is enacted mostly in Paris,also because they speak english,french and a little bit spanish and we can see how the life in the war was like.  What I really appreciate is that the movie is set in 1930's England,France(especially in Paris), and Spain (the countries the most interesting for me). Gilda Bessé (Charlize Theron) shares her Paris apartment with an Irish schoolteacher, Guy Malyon, and Mia(Penelope Cruz), a refugee from Spain. As the world drifts toward war, Gilda defiantly pursues her hedonistic lifestyle and her burgeoning career as a photographer. But Guy and Mia feel impelled to join the fight against fascism, and the three friends are separated - seemingly forever...

And now you can watch it here ( FREE! )

Tuesday 19 March 2013

I like the collars

At first I had a problem to find a suitable combination for this collar but I tried to get on with this black T-shirt from Benetton and a black blazer and I think that it looks fine.Hope you like it :)

Sunday 17 March 2013

From France to Slovakia and back

                                                                   DIY Replay denim shorts
                                                                 with girls Linda and Eliss
                                                              with Veronika
                                                              snow in Košice

I haven´t posted some photos since my holidays in Bordeaux because I was in Slovakia .There was a graduation what was the reason why I was flying there.I enjoyed 8 days in Kosice ( the city which I´m from) . There was a snow how you can see on the pictures :) and also some of my friends and new DIY Replay denim shorts that I like.There are not too many photos because I didn´t have time to take more of them but I will maybe later :) So I hope you like at least some of them .