
Thursday 28 November 2013

leather look

We chose the looks which contain more leather than usually because it´s one of the fashion trends for this fall/winter season.You can wear it with almost everything I think.In this case I chose my black leather jacket from Mim´s.I have added my skinny H&M with H&M platform shoes.I have worn the t-shirt which has the same colour as my boyfriend´s t-shirt.He has worn the leather jacket as well from H&M with dark pants from H&M and He has added the Vans burgundy sneakers.His burgundy sweatshirt is from H&M too so we can say that almost everything from this looks is from H&M (with my accessories as well).

Hope you like it ! Wish you have a lovely day !


Tuesday 26 November 2013

Walking down the London streets

London is so perfect city.You can find there so many interesting places.We were a little bit like tourists this weekend so we were doing the tour of London the Oxford street,Regent street to the Piccadily Circus then Buckingham Palace,St.James park,London Eye,Trafalgar Square,St.Paul´s Cathedrale,Monument,London Bridge,Tower Bridge etc.There are so many Christmass lights in London you can admire mostly on the Oxford street or near the London Bridge as you can see on the photos. 

I have worn my black coat from H&M with jeans from H&M and I have added b&w scarf from H&M as well.I have added my new Vagabond boots from Urban Outfitters and sweater from Bershka.You can see my new gold necklace from Zara.Hope you like my look and all my photos as well.
Wish you have a lovely week!

Thursday 21 November 2013

It´s getting colder and colder

 It´s getting colder and colder so I had to find some new boots for the winter.I´m really happy that I found these Vagabond shoes in Urban Outfitters (the shop I love the most) and I think I will wear them as much as I will can because Im in love with them.They´re very comfortable and black the others my shoes.Yes I know there are the other colours as well but I prefer to have the black shoes.You can add it to every look and it still can be perfect combo.

Anyway I´m satisfied cause I´m already healthy so I can take some pictures outside as well.I´ve just been a little bit outside but I noticed that it´s getting colder and colder here in London but I saw a little raspberry as you can see on the picture.

I have worn my black coat from the last season from H&M with Beshka pull in nude colour and I have added my bird shirt.Hope you like my combination and you have a lovely week!

Monday 18 November 2013


After 5 days what I´m lying in my bed because of sickness I can say I´m already sick of it and I really look forward to go to work what is weird.I still can´t go out to take some pictures so I decided to post something else than usually what could be about the top trends for the fall and winter 13.I got inspired by London Fashion where it´s the best place to notice some trends.Hope it´s not too late to inform you about that now but I think it´s never late to say something about trends for current season.Well this is it!


Smooth and sleek or textured and worn.You can find it on sleeve details,leather skirts,shorts,trousers,jackets,boots.It´s everywhere for (almost) everyone and not only this season.So you still don´t have you leather jacket?!


You can just layer them over skirts in the same print or over skinny pants for a cleaner and minimalist look.


The check is able look striking while never overwhelming the wearer.You don´t have to use is only in B&W combination but nowadays is also very popular in Red&Black to add more girly look.


As we could notice,the trends are coming back from the past.Such and example could be the roll neck.I didnt like them before but maybe I will buy some for this season.One of the advantages-it´s a great winter warmer.It could be perfect in a combination with some oversized coat.


Funny,fashionable and minimalistic.In different brands and different shapes.We love them.Totally must-have of this season.


Whether you´ll choose jacket,pants or shirt with military green you´ll take good decision.You can wear it anytime, in the evening to the party or casually in the afternoon to drink some coffee.Always trendy and chic.


Love them mostly in the winter time because it´s another winter warmer.Also very trendy with the skirt.It´s up to you which one you´ll take!

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Un jour en francais

FR : Alors, J´ai passé un jour avec mon amie francaise avec qui j´etais dans une meme classe a mon lycee de Bressuire.C´etait un peu different de parler en francais apres 5 mois de mon depart de la France mais je suis tres contente de ce rendez-vous parce que parfois ca me manque (le langage,la culture,les amis).

Autrement on a fait des achats evidement a Oxford street apres a Notting Hill ou on a fait quelques photos et on a fini a mon shopping centre prefere (la place ou je travaille) Westfield a Stratford.

Comme vous pouvez voir j´ai pris mon nouvel je pense le meilleure sweater de Zara ( j´adore sa couleur ) avec la jupe de Topshop et le vintage shirt.J´espere que vous aimez les photos et mon outfit aussi.

EN : Well, I was with my french friend who was my classmate in my french high school in Bressuire.It was a little bit different to speak french after 5 months what I left from there but I´m so satisfied because of this meeting because sometimes I miss it  (language,culture,friends).

Anyway, we went shopping of course in Oxford street,then Notting Hill where we took some pics and we finished in my favourite shopping centre (the place I work) Westfield in Stratford.

As you can see I have worn my new I think the best sweater from Zara (I really like this colour) with the skirt from Topshop and with my vintage shirt.Hope you like my photos and the outfit as well.

SVK : Takže,deň som strávila s mojou francúzskou kamoškou,teda bývalou spolužiačkou z lycée v Bressuire.Bolo to trochu zvláštne rozprávať po francúzsky po tých 5 mesiacoch čo som odtiaľ odišla,ale som veľmi rada,že sme konečne uskutočnili toto stretko pretože mi to niekedy chýba (jazyk,kultúra,priatelia).

Samozrejme,že sme išli aj nakupovať nejaké handry na Oxford street potom Notting Hill,kde sme sem tam niečo cvakli a skončili sme v mojom obľúbenom nákupnom centre (na mojom pracovnom mieste) Westfield-e na Stratforde.

Ako si môžete všimnúť vzala som si moj nový od teraz už asi aj obľúbený sveter zo Zary (veľmi sa mi páči jeho farba) s vintage košeľou.Dúfam,že sa Vám fotky aj outfit páčia.Zatiaľ sa majte.
