
Friday 31 January 2014

In my cosmetics bag


Today,I want to show you the best of my cosmetics products.I fell in love with them so I can really recommend them to everyone.Well,I would like to start with face products.

MAKE UP : Sometimes I use only foundation which is perfectly matt but usually I went for make up from Pupa which is totally the best for me.If I don´t choose pupa make up because you can´t find Pupa store here in London (this one was my christmass present from Slovakia ) I go for Rimmel Match perfection which is also perfect and natural what I was trying to find for a long time.

                                               CHEEK POWDER : I use it from Mary Kay or Oriflame

 EYES : First of all,I use my eyelash curler which is really perfect and then it´s all about either mascara
 L´OREAL or my new Rimmel SCANDALEYES which is also perfect.

                  Sometimes I add eyeliner Studio lash from Miss Sporty or eye pencil in black 
     colour.Moreover I like using white eye pencil inside of my eye to make it look more brightly.

CORECTOR : Another perfect thing is my tea tree corector from Body SHOP which I´ve got for 6 months and it´s still okay to use.I think this is my favorite item from cosmetics because I can take it everywhere,it´s very small.

LIPS : Usually I use nothing for my lips but If I´ve got an opportunity or any other special event I use my Chanel lipstick in red almost burgundy colour,it is really mat what I like because I don´t like lipglosses.Anyway in the winter sometimes I´ve got dry lips and then I use balsam from body shop,nowadays my fav is pink grapefruit or peach flavour.

MAKE UP REMOVER : I use only GARNIER which is really good for me,it´s sensitive and it smells good.

HAIR : After washing my hair I just add my fav products to make my hair still healthy and not so dry.I am using Gliss Kur oil for a long looong time every time after I wash my hair but since Christmas 13 I have got this perfect thing which is Exuisite Oil from Matrix in addition It smells so good .

BODY CARE : I really like the cranberry collection from Body Shop I´ve got body polish,shower gel and heart solid soap as well.Believe me just TRY IT !

PARFUMS : I think everyone should have one parfum which characterize him that´s why  it´s really important to have some really good parfum.My fav is from Gucci,is FLORA which I´ve got for a long time.Before I have Aqua di Goya but I prefer this one.For other days I have also Chanel Chance (pink) and Little white dress which smells really good but I don´t know exactly its name.

Hope you like my cosmetics post and wish you have a lovely weekend and for Chinese,HAPPY CHINESE YEAR ! Next time I will post some new look :)

Tuesday 28 January 2014

walking in basics

EN: Today spending just relaxing before my first working day in Forever 21.I´am really excited about working in fashion retail.That´s why this day I was just walking around the Jubilee park in Leyton.It´s only 5minutes from my home so I am very satisfied because I´ve got a little bit of nature around me what is not so easy to find in the city like London.

I went for just basic pieces like white Bershka sweater,black Mango skinny,leather boots and I have also added burgundy Zara scarf.
( PS: No make up so don´t be scared :D )
Anyway have a lovely day!

SL: Dnešok je strávený len tak relaxovaním pred mojím prvým pracovným dňom vo Forever 21.Som veľmi nadšená,že môžem pracovať v oblasti módy.Preto som sa bola len tak poprechádzať v Jubilee parku,ktorý je tu v okolí môjho domu,iba 5 minút chôdze čo sa mi páči.Mám tu okolo seba aspoň kúsok prírody čo sa v meste ako je Londýn nedá len tak ľahko nájsť.

Mala som na sebe biely Bershka sveter,čierne Mango skinny,kožené boty a pridala som k tomu aj šál vo vínovej farbe.
( PS: Bez mejkapu, takže sa neľakajte :D )
Pekný zvyšok dňa!

Monday 27 January 2014


EN: So for today I have prepared some of my fav DIY tips.You can do it for someone either like a present for someone or just for yourself to make your home more lovely with a new decoration.I found these ideas really interesting so I will surely try to make some of them by myself because it looks really easy.

SL: Takže na dnes som si pre Vás pripravila nejaké tie DIY (do it yourself-urob si sám) tipy.Môžte ich buď vyrobiť pre niekoho ako darček alebo len tak pre seba na skrášlenie vášho príbytku s novou dekoráciou.Tieto nápady sa mi zdajú dosť zaujímavé a preto si určite skúsim vyrobiť aj ja..keďže to vyzerá byť ceľkom jednoduché.

Saturday 25 January 2014

Healthy tips

SL: Dnes by som Vám chcela dať zopár zdravých tipov na to ako by stále fit! 
Tí,ktorí sa o to zaujímajú už určite veľakrát počuli o rôznych diétach ako zhodiť za 3dni a podobne,ale myslím si,že to nie sú tie najzdravšie tipy a ešte k tomu Vám to ani veľmi nepomôže pri strate kíl najmä kvôli jojo efektu.Týmto príspevkom Vám nechcem dať návrh na nejakú drastickú diétu,ale najmä na to ako sa zdravo stravovať a s tým prichádzajú samozrejme aj zaručené výsledky s hmotnosťou atď.

Takže moje jednoduché tipy sú :

-piť veľa VEĽA VODY ( aj keď si myslíte,že to je dosť,verte mi nie je,cez deň by ste mali vypiť 2-3litre čistej nie bublinkovej vody )
-menšie porcie a častejšie (každé 2-3hodiny by ste mali niečo zjesť)
-nezabúdajte na raňajky (naštartujú Váš organizmus)
-začnite deň s neperlivou vodou s citrónom namiesto kávy s cukrom (dodajú Vám energiu)
-nejesť sladké (žiadne sladkosťi ako keksíky,cukríky,čokoládky a podobne,najlepšie je nemať doma nič také,čo by Vás lákalo vybrať zo skrinky,lebo slabé chvíle Vás skôr či neskôr dostanú)
-ak už aj máte chuť na sladké dajte si náhradu : horkú čokoládu,ovocie,čaj s medom alebo trstinovým cukrom 
-jedzte veľa zeleniny (najmä všetko zelené,máte po tom menšiu chuť do jedla a pomáha to pri trávení) a ovocia (najlepší je melón,jablká,ananás,pomaranče,grapefruit..)
-čo sa týka mäsa,najlepšie je chudé kuracie mäso s jednoduchou prílohou-zeleninou (šalát,brokolica,1zemiak)
-jedzte ovsené vločky
-a hlavne HÝBTE SA !Bez pohybu to nejde.Normálne by ľudia mali mať každý deň aspoň polhodinový beh,ale keďže to v dnešnej dobe nejde vždy,tak si aspoň každý deň nájdite 10-30min.pre seba a zacvičte si doma.Ak Vás to nebaví,chodte si von zabehať aspoň 2krát do týždňa.Aj taká hodinová nedeľňajšia prechádzka vie spraviť svoje,je to už len na Vás čo si vyberiete.Môžem Vám povedať,že aj ja som s tým už tiež začala a chodím si pravidelne každý druhý deň pobehať a zacvičiť do parku,ktorý mám asi 2minúty od domu,kde sú perfektné stroje a ako bonus je to všetko zadarmo.Aj preto sa mi tu v Londýne tak veľmi páči.Uvidíme do kedy mi to vydrži,ale myslím,že stačí mať pevnú voľu a výsledky prídu čoskoro!

+ pripájam Vám knižku,ktorú som dostala na Vianoce od mamky,je tam veľa veľa tipov na sladké,z ktorého sa nepriberá,jednoducho sa pripravuje a je to chutné!

EN: Today I would like to give you some of my tips to be fit !
Those who are interested in it have already heard about some diets only for 3days etc. but I think it´s not very healthy decision for you.Moreover it can´t really help you if you want to loose your weight because of JOJO efect.By showing you this post, I don´t want to give you an advice for some diet but how you can keep it healthy without any hard decisions about your food habits and in addition you can see positive results.

So my healthy tips are :

-drink too much STILL water (it´s never enough,you should drink 2-3l.per one day)
-eat smaller portions but more often than usually (you should eat every 2-3hours)
-don´t forget to eat breakfast (it will start up your organism)
-start your day with a glass of still water with lemon instead of coffee with sugar(energy)
-don´t eat any sweets (that means no biscuits,bonbons,chocolates etc; the best is to don´t have any sweets at your home or anything what can allure you to take)
-if it´s really necessary to eat some sweets, then you can take: dark chocolate, fruits, tea with honey or cane sugar
-eat a lot of vegetables (mostly those green, it helps with digestion) and fruits (the best is melon, apples, ananas, oranges, grapefruits..)
-concerning meat ,the best is to choose chicken with some vegetables(salad,brocoli etc.)
-eat oat meals

-and mainly DO SOME SPORT !It doesn´t work without any moving.People should run every day at least half an hour but as you know we are living in bustling times so it´s hard to find some time for some of you but you should find at least 10-30 min. every day to do some exercise at home or you can go run around your place.Anyway,sunday´s walking can also be useful for your body.It´s up to you what you gonna do with that or what you´ll choose.I can say I´ve already started with that and I regularly go run every 2 days and I also go to park which is 2minutes from my home where you can train outside and for free.That´s also one of the reasons why I love it here in London.I think you just have to be strong enough,have a good motivation and good results will come soon!

+I am showing you my new book which I have obtained from my mum like christmas present.I can really recomend yo this book because there are many tips to prepare something healthy,tasty and easy to prepare!

Thursday 23 January 2014

NEW IN : Topshop dress

Keď som sa tak prechádzala s kamoškou Joan vo Westfielde,nie v tom na Stratforde,ale vo White City,všimla som si Topshop.Ako inak mali tam ešte povianočné výpredaje (inak už mám pocit,že budú trvať až do leta ),čo ma samozrejme potešilo,keďže v Topshope si za normálnych okolností nekúpite vec lacnejšiu než 30 libier,OK možno tak nejaké tie doplnky,poprípade ponožky.A keď som si tak prezerala tie veci,do očí mi udreli krásne glamour šaty.Bola to láska na prvý pohľad a keďže som už dlhšie rozmýšľala nad kúpou nejakých elegantnejších šiat a ešte za takú výbornú cenu,zľavnenú z 50 na 15,neváhala som a bez skúšania som ich kúpila.Trochu som sa bála,že mi budú malé,ale je to v pohode.Čoskoro v nich bude nejaký post tak sa máte na čo tešiť.
Inak povedala som si,že by som mala prispievať aj v iných jazykoch ako som to zvykla robiť keď som bola ešte vo Francii,tak teda začínam aj so svojou rodnou slovenčinou.

When I was walking with my friend Joan in Westfield but not that one in Stratford but in White city,I have noticed that there was Topshop.How else there still have been Christmas sales (anyway I´ve got an impression they will last until summer) what made me please because in casual occasion it´s not possible to buy something in Topshop for less than 30 pounds,OK maybe some accessories or socks.A while I was looking at clothes,I have catched sight of this beautiful glamourous dress.It was love at first sight and as I have been already thinking about buying something more elegant and even for this perfect price,discounted from 50pounds to 15,I didn´t stick at this and I have bought it.I was a little bit scared that it will be too small for me but it´s all right.Soon I will make some post in this dress so you can look forward.

Anyway I was thinking about posting in more than only one language as I was doing it while I was in France,so as you can see I am just starting with my native slovakian language.

Prajem Vám pekný zyšok dňa!
Have a nice day!

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Aztec print

I have always wanted to have some staff with aztec print wheter on the t-shirt or skirt.And Since I have noticed this aztec skirt for the first time I knew that I will buy it one day.That day I wasn´t completely convinced because of the price but then, while I was shopping on Christmas sales I saw this skirt in Urban Outfitters and it was discounted on 50%! Atfer all,I can say only that´s the end of the story because I´ve got it and I have chosen some photos in this outfit for you.
As you can see,my aztec skirt is already colourful I kept the accessories and other clothes simple.I have just added my simple top from Stradivarius and black coat H&M.I went for my new tights from Topshop and as usually black Vagabond shoes.I hope you had a lovely day-I was spending that mine by shopping healthy food (fruits and some vegetable on the market)because I think I need some rest from the sweets etc.At least I will try to do something beneficial for my body.

See ya!

Sunday 19 January 2014

Not for highway use

   Hi everyone! So what was your weekend? Have you been spending it at home/work? For example me,I was working on Saturday and today I stayed in my Leyton.Nothing special but I´ve got some new..I am starting to work in my new job,you can find me in Forever 21 in Oxford Street.I am really happy for this.After so many interviews etc. I can finally work in fashion retail.

Anyway I have chosen this "interview" outfit which I have worn on Friday for my interview.Maybe it really helped me so I like this outfit haha. I have worn high-waisted black skirt which I have bought last year.To make look more coulourful and interesting I have added my floral shirt from Zara.I have also added H&M blazer with Topshop tights from sales.
Hope you like it.Next post in 2 days:)

Have a lovely week!

Monday 13 January 2014

Elephant and Castle

Hi Guys!

I really apologize of being late in posting but I had really busy weekend because of the applications on Universities.
Anyway,I want to show you my day with Joan,my friend from Taiwan,with who I have been in Elephant and Castle,which you can see on the last photo.
Later we came to another Westfield not this in Stratford,but in White City and I can say it´s more on style High Fashion but I like it because there are not so many people like in Stratford.

Ok,let´s say something about my outfit.So,I have worn my new Zara shirt,with black basic sweater,skinny,red Zara coat and I have added my necklace also from Zara.As you can see I have chosen my Primark bag and that´s it!
Hope you like it,next post will be soon.Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday 8 January 2014

After interview through the water in black dress

Today,I´ve got something with a detail of summer because I´m already miss it.I can say I belong to those summer lovers who would like to live somewhere where you can have sunny days all the time and you can wear anything you want (skirts with some cardigans/sweater,shorts etc).OK, I need to say there is one exception with winter and that is my snowboarding which is the main reason why I still dont hate winter so much.It´s perfect and I miss it so much!

Anyway I think here in London the spring is already coming.There wasn´t so many snow ,well there wasn´t any.I saw only the snow from some of the machines from the building on the Oxford street (Selfridges or the House of Fraser ).Well,I don´t mind,it´s all right like that but I would like to have more sunny days as was this one.
I was walking down the streets in centre of London-Holborn,Piccadilly(where I found a new very very cute street..I will post some pics later) and also for the first time in Mile End and Bethnal Green.
I can say I was a little bit dissapointed of Mile End and Bethnal Green because I thought it´s a little like in centre but I´ve got an impression that is even worse than in Leyton or Blackhorse Road.
Although We have been taken some photos in a parc of Bethnal Green(my only preferable place around the station).I was feeling a little nervous while we were taking pics because of the really weird people who have been around us.But here is it!

I have worn my new red coat from Zara,little black pencil dress Primark.As usually I have added my UO boots and to make look more interesting I have added my golden ZARA necklace and black bag from my ZARA as well.
Hope you like it !

PS:Nowadays I can´t stop listening this song!!!! I recommend you this song so much!