
Thursday 24 April 2014

before work

So yesterday, before work I was in friend´s house in East Finchley (as you can see on the last pictures-the really beautiful garden in the back of the house) and I went to King´s Cross Canal to see one of the Art Colleges in London.There was so good atmosphere and I think it´s very nice place there.

Anyway I have worn my red Zara sweater with black velvet skirt from H&M and I have just added my vintage oxford shoes.Hope you like it :)

PS: I did some shopping today and guess what ?! The result-my first long dress.So I´m just waiting for nice warm weather to wear them and make some post in it. 
PS2: I still can´t find some nice shoes who could replace my old ones - oxford shoes style so if you have some tips just let me know :) 

Monday 21 April 2014

My Easter week

The last week, 
  • I did some shopping - I have bought pastel green top and new hand-bag in coral colour,
  • I was working (for those who don´t know-Forever21 is my place),
  • I was eating,well I would call it food porn- vanilla cheesecake,
  • I was celebrating (Easter) with friends in Italian restaurant,
  • I was eating our traditional slovakian specialities - I was doing "SYREK" for the first time and fortunately It tasted good :D ,
  • I (finally) was in Arabic teahouse in Brick Lane, I would like to go there again cause of really good strong tea.


Monday 14 April 2014

Primrose Hill walks

EN : Primrose Hill is such a chill out place where you can just sit down on the grass with great people and have a nice time.Like a bonus you´ll see nice view of London.
Yesterday it was my first time there but I really like it.We were sitting and watching sunset but then it was a little bit windy and cold so we rather went to coffee shop.
I would like to have more days off like these.
Anyway I went for my F21 white dress.I have added burgundy Topshop hat and leather jacket.
Hope you like my outfit :)
Have a nice rest of the day!


SL : Primrose Hill je miesto,kde môžete len tak chillovať a sedieť na tráve so skvelými ľuďmi .Ako bonus uvidíte pekný výhľad na Londýn.
Včera som tam bola po prvý raz a páčilo sa mi tam.Posedeli sme trochu a sledovali západ slnka,ale neskôr bolo trochu veterno a hlavne chladno,tak sme išli radšej do kaviarne.Chcela by som mať viac takýchto dní.
Vzala som si biele šaty z F21.Ako doplnok som zvolila bordový klobúk z Topshopu.A vvzala som si aj koženku.
Dúfam,že sa Vám môj outfit páčil a prajem Vám krásny zvyšok dňa!

Saturday 12 April 2014


 EN : Hello :)

Today I´m here with my New IN post for spring .Some stuff you might have already seen and some not.Concerning weather, it´s getting better and better here in London what make it easier for taking pictures.So for tomorrow I´ve got some prepared plans because I´ve got day off..finally.Well, I can just say : see you soon with the new outfit post !


SL : Čaute :)

Dnes som tu s mojim New In jarným príspevkom.Niektoré veci ste už možno videli a niektoré zase nie.Čo sa týka počasia,tu v Londýne sa to zlepšuje a tým mi to aj uľahčuje kvôli fotografovaniu.Na zajtra som si už pripravila nejaké plány pretože mám voľno...konečne.Takže môžem len povedať : už čoskoro sa vidíme s novým outfitovým postom ! 

crop top-Forever21
high-waisted jeans-Pull&Bear

Thursday 10 April 2014

daisy crop top

EN : Hello hello! 

I´m back with a new post of my today´s look.Today, it´s sooo sunny here in London and I´m so happy that the temperature is surely around 20°.I just love these days in London.So as you can see I went to make some pics here in Leyton before my work.
I went for a new daisy crop top from F21 with burgundy shorts from H&M and to make look more interesting I have added my new hat from Topshop in burgundy colour as well.

Anyway I´ve got some new items to show you so I´ll make NEW IN post soon.
Have a nice afternoon/evening ! :)


SL : Čauky čauky !

Tak a som späť aj s novým postom,v ktorom uvidíte môj dnešný outfit.Dnes je tu v Londýne tak krááásne slnečno a som tak šťastná,že teplota vystúpila až na nejakých 20°.Proste milujem tieto dni.Takže ako môžete vidieť,pred robotou som ešte vyšla v Leytone trochu von,aby som spravila zopár fotiek.
Vybrala som si môj nový crop top z F21 s bordovými šortkami z H&M a aby som tomu dodala šmrnc ,pridala som aj môj nový klobúčik z Topshopu v tiež bordovej farbe.

Inak mám nejaké nové veci,takže čoskoro spravím nejaký ten NEW IN post.
Prajem krásny zvyšok popoludnia/večera ! :)

Saturday 5 April 2014

random photos of the week

Hi guys! 

Today it´s time for another random (instagram) photos post so here I am.This week I spent in Hyde park,walking around London with my boyfriend,doing some shopping with friend doing blueberry cake,working etc.Hope you´re going well and have a nice weekend! :)

Hyde park walks
With Silvia
      preparation for blueberry cake
 With Forever 21 girls
Random car in Tottenham Court Road
Another in Hyde Park
with my new burgundy hat from Topshop
 in a bookstore