
Saturday 31 May 2014

Floral dress

Today I´ve got some "around house" pictures for you.
I can say just that Im so happy when I find something a little bit older,forgotten in my closet but still nice.And that is exactly how can I re-found this floral dress from Mango.I still like it and what about you?  :) Hope I will have more and more opportunities to wear them here in London.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

One day in Budapest

So as I said this is my post about our one day trip to Budapest.I spent this beautiful sunny day with my love.We were doing sightseeing around the city centre,a little bit of shopping and then we went to the castle and church which is right next to the castle.There is an awesome view of the Parliament but that´s not everything can see almost everything of the centre.
Anyway I have worn my summer dress from H&M with burgundy flats from H&M as well.It was very very very hot ..I would say perfect weather if you´re somewhere on the beach but in the city  it can be crazy :) But I can say we enjoyed walking around this beautiful historical city and we finished our trip on the airport because our flight to London was in the evening.

Sunday 25 May 2014

At home in Slovakia

 After my vacation to Slovakia in Košice Im back in London already so I would like to show you some pictures of 10 days I spent there.I was travelling with my boyfriend so it wasn´t boring as usually :D..I was spending time with my family and friends.From the beginning it was really reaaally crazy weather windy and rainy but after few days it was getting warmer and warmer and on 4last days I could wear just summer dresses.I am so happy I could do sunbathing as well in our garden :)..but as I said Im back but I still have something to tell you about because we haven´t finished our vacation in Slovakia but we went to Budapest.So see you soon in the next post about our last day in Budapest ! 

Saturday 17 May 2014

Trip to Budapest

So I am back in Slovakia for a few days.Before we came to Kosice we spent one day in Budapest.The weather wasn´t so nice but we will still have another day in Budapest before our flight back to London.Now Im enjoying staying here with my family and friends unless I will go ! 

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Birthday celebrations

 And that´s it! Im already 19 years old girl .I´ve had one wonderful weekend of celebrations.On saturday I was with my boyfriend in one of the most famous clubs in the world- Ministry of Sound and I can say it was just amazing night :) Next day I went out with my friends from F21.We were in Coktail Bar in Leicester Square.It was really good mostly because of the promotions 2 for 1 ! We had fun and I was really satisfied that they have come for me :) Anyway these are my presents : gift card for Zara ( I´ve already bought some stuff so you can see them in the next NEW IN post soon ) and golden necklace from Topshop :)

Hope you´re enjoying you week at least as much as me ! :) See ya.


Sunday 11 May 2014

After birthday girl

EN : Hi everyone ! Yesterday was my day because of my 19th birthday so I was a little bit celebrating :) In the early morning I was a little celebrating it with my boyfriend then I went to work (but I was working with jewellery so it was good) then I was watching my favorite series nowadays (New Girl/Baby Daddy) and in the evening we went to one of the most famous club in the world-Ministry of Sound ! It was really good the sound was just perfect.I can say Im not so party girl nowadays because I dont usually go there but I really like this one :) Maybe the music wasnt such a my style but I was enjoying even thought.I´m gonna show you some videos/pics of my birthday later because I still haven´t finished with the celebrating because today we´re going to coktail bar in Leicester Square with my girls from F21:)

Anyway, I have worn this outfit last week when it was sunny and warm weather not like today/yesterday.. I went for my New Icons t-shirt from H&M with high-waisted jeans from Pull&Bear.To make the look more chic I have added my hat from Topshop in burgundy colour.I have combinated it with leather jacket and black Vagabond comfortable shoes and Zara bag!
Hope you like it :) See you soon!


SL : Ahojte všetci! Včera bol môj deň lebo som mala narodeniny, už 19 rokov tak som to trošku oslavovala :) Skoro ráno s mojím priateľom, potom som šla do práce ( ale bola som na oddelení šperkov čiže to bolo super),potom som trochu pozerala moje momentálne obľúbené seriály (New girl/Baby Daddy) a večer sme išli do jedného z najznámejších klubov na svete-Ministry of Sound.Bolo to super a ten zvuk bol vynikajúci.Môžem povedať,že momentálne niesom veľmi taká party girl,lebo väčšinou do klubov nechodím,ale tento sa mi fakt páčil :) Možno,že hudba nebola až tak môj štýl,ale aj tak som si to užívala.Neskôr Vám ukážem aj nejaké videá/fotky z mojich narodenín pretože som s oslavovaním ešte stále neskončila.Dnes sa napríklad chystáme s dievčatami z F21 do koktail baru na Leicester Square:).

Inak, tento outfit som mala na sebe minulý týžden,keď ešte bolo krásne slnečné a hlavne teplé počasie a nie ako dnes/včera..Vybrala som si New Icons tričko z H&M s džínsami,ktoré majú vysoký pás.Aby som tomu dala "šmrnc" vzala som si moj bordový klobúčik z Topshopu.Pridala som ešte koženku, Vagabond pohodlné topánočky a čiernu Zara kabelku.Dúfam,že sa Vám to páči :) Vidíme sa čoskoro ! 

Tuesday 6 May 2014


Today I want to show you the combination of the black&white&burgundy.Basically you´ve already seen everything apart from my new Vagabond shoes which you ´ll probably see a lot cause they´re really comfortable and nice.I have worn this combination yesterday when I was trying to do some shopping with my boyfriend before I go to Slovakia for a few days but I couldn´t find anything good.Either I didn´t find the right size or the right colour... But I still have another chance tomorrow so I hope I will find everything I want :) Anyway I feel really happy nowadays I don´t know why but I think that the weather plays really important role in that ! These days have been really hot and I just love it :)