
Thursday 4 June 2015

Amsterdam look

EN: After a long time I'm saying HELLO ! :) I'm back with a new look with pics from Amsterdam where we went on Sunday. As I was pretty busy with school- exams those days, I'm posting it now.
Hope you will like it. 

About Amsterdam, I was so surprised by how interesting and different is that city from the others, the European ones. I will write you more about places/ what we were doing etc. in the next post. Here I'm just showing you my outfit which was quite comfortable for walking in the city and mostly for that rainy day(s) in Amsterdam.If you can just add the umbrella, it's almost perfect..just kidding ,in fact I don't like the rainy days and mostly when you want to do some sightseeing in the never-seen city.
Nevertheless, we've enjoyed it. 

And about my outfit- I have chosen my simple white shirt with "baby"-blue sweater with black skinny jeans. I have added my denim jacket with black Vagabonds and "creamy" Michael Kors bag. Like a "bonus" ( :D ) I have added my elastic in "baby"-pink colour.

Now I'm gonna continue to study because I still have 1 exam to pass, so wish me luck please and I'm gonna come back soon with the new post!



SL: Po dlhom čase Vás opäť zdravím, tak AHOJTE! :) Som späť aj s novým lookom a fotkami z Amsterdamu, kde sme boli v nedelu. Keďže som bola v posledných dňoch dosť zaneprázdnená školou- skúškami, tak prispievam až teraz. Dúfam, že sa Vám príspevok bude páčiť.

A teraz o Amsterdame, bola som dosť prekvapená tým, aké je to zaujímavé mesto a hlavne také iné od ostatných európskych. O miestach, ktoré sme navštívili a čo sme robili sa dozviete v ďalšom príspevku. V tom dnešnom by som Vám chcela ukázať moj outfit, ktorý bol celkom pohodlný na celodenné prechádzky mestom a tiež na ten upršaný(é) deň(ni). Stačí už iba pridať dáždnik a bolo by to dokonalé..haha , v podstate nemám rada upršané dni a najmä vtedy, keď máte chuť objavovať nové  zatiaľ-nevidené mesto. Ale aj tak sme si to užili.

A o mojom outfite- vybrala som si moju jednoduchú bielu blúzku s "baby"-modrým svetrom k čiernym skinny jeansom. Pridala som k tomu riflovú bundu s Vagabond-čižmamy a Michael Kors kabelkou v krémovej farbe. Ako "bonus" som si vzala gumičku v "baby"-ružovej farbe.

Teraz budem musieť pokračovať v učení keďže ma čaká ešte 1 skúška, tak mi držte palce a ja tu budem späť už čoskoro a to aj s novým príspevkom!


 shirt- Primark
sweater- H&M
jacket- Zara
jeans- Pull&Bear
shoes- Vagabond
bag- Michael Kors
elastic- Other Stories

Thursday 14 May 2015

New in outfit

Hello, today, quick post (because I'm trying to study). These photos were taken on my 20th birthday when we went to the park in Ixelles. My outfit is kind of summer style because it was a warm and sunny day. I have worn my white F21 skirt with floral shirt. I have added my new Michael Kors bag with the black&gold sandals. Hope you like it ! :)

shirt- Zara
skirt- Forever21
bag- Michael Kors
shoes- Zara

Monday 11 May 2015

Birthday party

So it's over, I'm 20 now. I would like to say thank you to all of you who wished me happy birthday. And especially my family and you, who were a bit "partying" with me. It's was really cool, I enjoyed my day.
Hope that your day went well too :) Today is so hot in Brussels, I'm so happy because I can feel the summer here, unfortunately I can't really enjoy it because of the exams, but I will do it for 100% after the 6th of june when the "hell" is gonna be ended (hopefully).
And now, some of these more suitable pictures :)

See you ! 

Sunday 10 May 2015

Today, I'm a birthday girl

Sunday, sunny day, birthday :) 

I love May mostly because the fact that it's my birthday, the weather is great, it's almost always sunny and what's more, flowers are everywhere. Even at my place ! I've obtained the perfect peonies, as big as I am. Haha, just kidding but it's quite big :) And guess what's in that present bag ..

Have such a lovely day as I have 

Sunday 3 May 2015

Dear MAY, welcome !

 And here we are, the most favourite month has come. The shining sun, colourful trees, kissing under cherry-woods and coming 20th birthday. The only "bad" thing is that my exams are coming as well so it's not like 100% chill as I expected to be. But I'm still trying to be kind of optimistic because there are many worse things than this. So I'm just saying.. enjoy this lovely month as much as you can because in May "love is in the air". 

Anyway, I know, I have used this cherry blossom cliché to take pictures but I just really like it, it brings you such a "May feeling". So we were also looking for some cherry-woods around Ixelles and we've found it as you can see it and this is the result : my new skinny jeans in combination with "Chanel" style blazer, simple white blouse, black heels, black and white and gold clutch with the leather belt as well. 
So what do you think? Do you like my outfit? Are you also enjoying MAY as much as I do? 

Have fun :)