
Sunday 15 February 2015

Valentine's day

So the Valentine's day is over but we still have Sunday to enjoy. In Brussels, it's around 10 degrees what is perfect for me because I love sun and hot weather, I know this is not the hot weather I'm expecting to be but still better than 0. 

Anyway, I can say that my Valentine's day was really nice, I've enjoyed it , I was with my boyfriend eating the Manhattan's burgers ( like a year ago in London ) .
I got the red roses , then I went to see 50 shades of grey, the movie everyone is speaking about, I know. I was with my friends as well. And I finished my day drinking beers like the real Belgian habitant haha :D It was really cool , well you can check the following pictures :)

And what about yours ? :) 
Have a nice Sunday, I'm gonna enjoy the sunny weather too !

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