
Sunday 22 March 2015

Meeting Rumi Neely

.. When I was just walking down the streets in Paris with my boyfriend on the day of our third anniversary and suddenly I saw Rumi Neely who was in front of me. Such an unexpected situation, it was really my lucky day :) 
Rumi, (maybe one day you will read this) It was pleasure to meet you, you're still my biggest inspiration speaking about blogging.It's been years ago what I've started to look at your blog and I still continue to follow you even more now after I've met you. 
I've always wanted to see some famous people from Paris Fashion Week. Well the truth is, I went there but I haven't recognized any star, so I was a little bit disappointed. But now I can say that you should never be upset because of something what didn't happen like you were expecting to be , and why? Because you never know if there's not something better behind the corner .. 

PS: If you still don't know her blog, check it out on


  1. Very nice:) xx

  2. Zvu vás všechny do soutěže, ve které můžete vyhrát den se společností YVES ROCHER, BLOGGERKAMI a přidat se k projektu SÁZEJME PRO PLANETU, díky kterému spolu zasadíme stromečky pro výrobu produktů značky YR a pro záchranu přírody :-)!

  3. oh, wow! neviem, čo by som dala za to, aby som sa s ňou (a s inými profesionálnymi blogérkami) mohla stretnúť! môžem len tíško závidieť... :P.

    Kejmy ♥.

    1. niektore veci sa nedaju naplanovat, mozno ju aj ty stretnes niekedy len tak nahodne ako ja :)
