Monday 9 December 2013

The winter time is coming

Hi everyone! I think here in London it´s getting colder and colder so if you choose to go to the centre the best for all of you is to take some warm coat and maybe to drink some hot drink as I did.Surely It can help!

Anyway I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend at least as I had.I visited so many nice places mostly because of my family who came here.We went to the Oxford street,Trafalgar Sq. etc and yesterday night we went to concert.It was really  interesting to see and listen something different something special.I really liked it so I can surely recommend to you this concert,the group is called Stomp and they´ve been playing on such unusual musical you believe that it´s possible to play on the bins, wash-bowl or with lighter?

On this photos I have worn my black coat from H&M,slim jeans and MANGO sweater.I chose something in what isn´t so cold because the weather in London is getting really colder.And mostly in the evening.

Have a lovely week !


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