Wednesday 3 April 2013

Easter in L´absie

SL: Veľkú Noc som trávila v L´absie,malej,ale veľmi peknej francuzskej dedinke v "okrese" Vendée spolu s rodinkou,v eko-domčeku,ktorý si môžete všimnúť na fotkách.Veľmi sa mi tam páčilo,no škoda,že moje Veľkonočné prázdniny trvali len 3dni.Dúfam,že aj Vaše boli dobré a užili ste si tých pár dní voľna ako sa patrí.

EN: I spent my Easter "Holidays"with my family in a little french village named L´absie,in department Vendée,exactly in ecological house as you can see on the photos.I really like it there because the house is near the lake what is beneficial mostly in summertime.I hope that your holidays were also good and you enjoyed the free time.

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